we have organized a party at Butterfly in West Hartford Wed, March 23 from 9-11. That's right. Wednesday next week. What better way to kick off spring break (first and second years), continue the match day celebrations (congrats to all the fourth years) or just have a little fun (show some love to the third years)? There will be a live DJ, a chance to show off your American Idol talents with some karaoke, and a raffle during the night with wine, gift certificates and other prizes all donated by the generous management of Butterfly up for grabs. Tickets for the raffle will be $2 and let's be honest, you have a better chance at winning one of our raffle prizes than whichever March Madness pool you joined so it's just smart math.
The door cover will be $5 but every dollar we collect will go straight to the foundation so come out on wednesday, give a few bucks to a great local charity, experience a nice local restaurant, get a group of friends togther and come out to Butterfly for a fun evening.
We will be selling both tickets for the door and tickets for the raffle Mon-Wed next week, but if you can't find us/can't make it to the health center/have no idea who we are, you can just show up on Wed and pay at the door (no cost increase).
Thanks for reading this and we hope to see you out there next week.