Lea's Foundation

About Lea's Foundation
In 1998, Lea Michele Economos, a young woman who died of leukemia at the age of 28, made a dying wish to her parents that others would not face the hardships she encountered by finding a cure for this disease. Her family started this charity to carry on that wish. Today, Lea’s Foundation takes an active role in finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and myeloma and to better the lives of people living with these diseases. At the UCONN Health Center, the Lea’s Foundation Center for Hematologic Disorders sponsors research in this field. A new program covers the cost of bone-marrow testing to help recruit life-saving transplants for patients. Also, annual scholarships are given to children with leukemia who are planning to attend nursery school. For more information on other projects carried out by Lea’s Foundation, please visit their website at www.LeasFoundation.org.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


After three flights, 11 hours of travel and one celebrity sighting (Sinbad), we arrived safely in San Francisco and hopped in an appropriately environmentally friendly cab and headed to Citizen Chain Cyclery where we had previously shipped our bikes and gear. We gave the cabbie the address but, the kind soul he is, understood how desperate we were to stretch our legs after our long journey and kindly dropped us a mile and a half south of the bike shop, allowing us to walk up one of the tallest of San Fran's iconic hills carrying 20 lbs of gear each. Beautiful day though.
The guys at Citizen Chain were fantastically helpful and we packed all our gear as quickly as we could so we could get on the road. As we packed, we chatted to the employees and lots of people stopped by to see what we were up to. Not surprisingly, most were stunned when we responded to their inquiries regarding our destination with "Connecticut". After departing the bike shop with the well wishes of all, we headed out to meet Annie Batista, friend of Greg's. We dropped our gear off at her apt and hit the streets near the bay to grab some dinner. A couple of glasses of wine, some great burgers, and lots of conversation later, we returned to annie's apt where she showered us with hospitality and we set about organizing our bags of gear.
Overall, a great start to the day with some incredible people helping us out. The weather greeted us kindly and we are pumped to head out over the Golden Gate Bridge tomorrow and begin our return journey.

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